
Children bring a new dimension to divorce.

Divorce or break up – it is difficult as it is.

When you add children and parenting into that, it gets more complicated.

From tug-of-war over the children to pointing fingers of blame, turmoil can exist in the children’s lives as well as the lives of both parents.

Different schedules, different wants, different needs, different styles…

These all play a role in making the process of being a parent with someone you are not in a romantic relationship with extremely challenging!

Co-Parenting is a solution to help both parents be the best they can be for their child(ren).

Co-Parenting is designed to aid two people who are working to co-parent together.

From blended families to families who are just separated, it is useful to have additional tools and guidance to get through the process of raising children with someone you are not romantically engaged with.

Co-Parenting offers a way to instill boundaries while working through a healthy schedule and getting over the hurdles and obstacles that create constant misunderstandings and problems with communication.

Often, having an outside person go through and provide clarity helps the process to the point of making it possible and reachable.

Work together for the best interest of the children.

Getting to the finish line and attaining the goal of being able to raise your children and be a parent in an environment that is peaceful, healthy, and, more importantly, serves as an example for the children is going to be worth the challenge of working through co-parenting.

I have seen dozens of people learn to co-parent in a healthy manner, working to provide a healthy environment for their children and families.

If you feel that this could benefit you and your situation, call (740) 303-2505 now to make your free 20-minute consultation appointment today! Let’s climb the mountain together and have peace both in the process and at the end.